Characteristics of our cattle

Traditional Murray Greys and Square Meaters are Australian breeds ideally suited to the temperate zones of Australia. With a moderate frame and have a low impact on the landscape and are more easily maintained in harder climatic times.

Australian Greys generally exhibit early maturity patterns allowing domestic market specifications to be fulfilled at 12-16 months of age. They have a placid temperament making management an easier task with less stress impacts on the cattle and the beef they produce.

They have low birth weight calves (on average 25-35kgs) with high early growth patterns, with weaning weights between 6–8 months of 250–300kgs. Yearling weights are 380–420kgs and can deliver a premium beef carcass at 12–16 months of 180–220kgs.

They are pasture raised and predominantly finished on grass. No supplementary feeding or feedlotting is required.
A consequence of carcass quality at finishing means portion sizes are ideal.

Our bulls offer a good choice in a commercial heifer breeding program. The low birth weight and early growth characteristics optimize the potential for putting a calf on the ground, that will grow out to meet market specifications.